Thursday, September 22, 2011

Norah & Harper

We have a collage that my mom made of some of Harper's pictures sitting on our book shelf.  Last night while we were making dinner Norah was swinging and started to get a little fussy so we switched the direction of the swinging from side to side to front to back (more like rocking).  Right after changing directions, we noticed her looking up at her sister's picture.  She seemed mesmerized by it.  She stopped fussing immediately and just stared and stared.  I couldn't help but take a picture through my tears and it captured what looks like Norah waving to Harper.  Even typing it out brings tears to my eyes.  I wonder if they communicate.  As Chris said, "If anyone is able to talk to Harper it would be Norah".  I know Harper is looking down and is happy but I miss her so much and wish both of my babies were here.  


Dana said...

Wow, that is amazing. I got chills. I feel that Norah will be able to communicate with her too. I hope that she says something about Harper as she gets older that just confirms it. I LOVE that picture.

Lisa said...

That is priceless. I'm glad you were able to capture it.

Violet1122 said...

Love this picture so much!

I've always felt that our babies in heaven were able to communicate with our rainbow babies. I like to think they told our rainbow babies about us and what to expect before they were even born.

Thanks for sharing!

Danae said...

That brought tears to my eyes just reading it. So sweet and I am so glad you got a picture of that special moment.

Tiffany said...

Amazing! I love it!

Molly King said...

That's the sweetest picture ever!!!

Lj82 said...

I got chills, too. So sweet Norah looking up to her sister. :)

Allison said...

How beautiful. I love the collage, and Chris's words gave me chills. I really like the idea that our babies can communicate. Sweet Harper and Norah...such precious sisters.

Anonymous said...

I love this. I love what Chris said and believe it so very much. We have a video of Finn doing the same - looking up at Cale's picture. And there are times where I just feel Cale's presence through Finley. I was just commenting about that in another blog - I love to think of our babies communicating. I just love seeing your sweet girls - glad you captured that special moment :)

Michelle said...

Tears...We've had a few moments when Naomi stares into a picture of Audrey as well. It stops me in my tracks. Norah is a beauty if I haven't said it already CONGRATS!

Priscilla said...

What an awesome picture! James and I were just talking about this topic. As others have said, I truly believe that they can communicate with our angels. So glad you were able to capture it!

Michelle said...


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